exponential family
A pdf $p(x| \theta)$, for $ \mathbf{x}=(x_1,…,x_m) \in \mathcal{X}^m$, and $ \theta \in \Theta \subseteq R^d$, is said to be in the exponential family if it is of the form,
p( \mathbf{x}| \theta) &= \frac{1}{Z( \theta)}h( \mathbf{x}) \exp [ \theta^T s( \mathbf{x})] \
&= h( \mathbf{x}) \exp [ \theta^T s( \mathbf{x}) - A( \theta)]
Z( \theta) &= \int_{ \mathcal{X}^m} h( \mathbf{x}) \exp [ \theta^T s( \mathbf{x})] dx \
A( \theta) &= \ln Z( \theta)
Here $\theta$ are called the natural parameters, $s( \mathbf{x}) \in R^d$ is called a vector of sufficient statistics, $Z( \theta)$ is called the partition function, $A( \theta)$ is called the log partition function, and $h( \mathbf{x})$ is the scaling constant, often 1. If $s( \mathbf{x})= \mathbf{x}$, we say it is a natural exponential family.
In general, exponential family is often written as, \[ p( \mathbf{x}| \theta) = h( \mathbf{x}) \exp [ \eta ( \theta)^T s ( \mathbf{x}) -A( \eta( \theta))] \] where $ \eta$ is a function that maps the parameters $\theta$ to the natural parameters $ \eta = \eta ( \theta)$. if $dim( \theta) < dim( \eta ( \theta))$, it is called a curved exponential family, which means we have more sufficient statistics than parameters.
The Bernoulli distribution can be written in exponential family form as follows: \[ Ber(x| \mu)= \mu^x(1- \mu)^{1-x}= \exp[ (x,1-x)( \ln \mu, \ln (1- \mu)^T] \]
where $s(x)=[x,1-x], \theta = [ \ln \mu, \ln (1- \mu)]$.
Another form, \[ Ber(x| \mu)= (1- \mu) \exp [x \ln \frac{ \mu}{1- \mu}] \] where $s(x)=x, \theta = \ln \frac{ \mu}{1- \mu}$
MLE for an exponential family
Given $D = (x_1,…,x_n)$, $x_i \in R^d , \theta \in R^k , x_1,…,x_n \sim p(x| \theta) $, Then, MLE is, \[ \theta_{MLE} = \arg \max _{ \theta } p(D| \theta) \]
That is,
p(D| \theta)&= \prod_{i=1}^n p(x_i | \theta) \
&= \prod_{i=1}^n e^{ \theta^T S(x_i)}h(x_i) \frac{1}{Z( \theta)} \
&= Z( \theta)^{-n} e^{ \theta^T \sum_{i=1}^n S(x_i)} \prod_{i=1}^n h(x_i) \
&= Z( \theta)^{-n} e^{ \theta^T s(D) } \prod_{i=1}^n h(x_i)
log function of the MLE \[ \ln p(D| \theta)= -n \ln Z( \theta) + \theta^T S(D) + \sum_{i=1}^n \ln h(x_i) \] where $S=(s_1,…,s_k)$, and, $\theta^T S(D)= \sum_{j=1}^k \theta_j s_j(D)$, and, $s_j(D)= \sum_{i=1}^n s_j(x_i)$.
The log function derivative is, \[ \frac{ \partial}{ \partial \theta_j} \ln p(D| \theta) = -n \frac{ \partial}{ \partial \theta_j} \ln Z( \theta) +s_j(D) = -nE_{ \theta}s_j(X) + s_j(D) \]
and, $\frac{ \partial}{ \partial \theta_j} \ln Z( \theta)$,
\frac{ \partial}{ \partial \theta_j} \ln Z( \theta) &= \frac{1}{Z( \theta)} \frac{ \partial}{ \partial \theta_j} Z( \theta) \
&= \frac{1}{Z( \theta)} \int s_j(x)e^{ \theta^T s(x)} h(x) dx \
&= \int s_j(x) p_{ \theta}(x) dx \
&= E_{ \theta}[ s_j(X) ]
We often write $ \nabla \ln Z( \theta) = E_{ \theta} S(X)$, then we have,
nE_{\theta}S(X)&=S(D)= \sum_{i=1}^n S(x_i) \
E_{\theta}S(X) &= \frac{1}{n} \sum_{i=1}^n S(x_i)